04. Locker Room
You can save and retrieve designs you've made in our product customizer by using our Locker Room feature. First, create your design in our product customizer, then tap the SAVE button.
A window will then pop up. Follow the steps in the following order:
1) Create a folder name
2) Tap the CREATE button to create that folder
3) Make sure the folder name is selected
4) Create a name for your design
Then tap the SAVE button to continue.
Any time you wish to access that design in the future, tap on the Locker Room link in the top navigation bar, then tap on the folder containing your designs.
Once your designs are loaded, tap on the 3 dots for the design you wish to work on.
This will open a window with the following icons. To know the function of each icon, mouseover the icon to see a description of what that function does.
Functions include:
Rename Design: give your design a new name
Edit Design: edit your previously saved design
Copy Design: make a duplicate version of the design
Share Design: get a URL which you can share with others who want to see your design
Delete Design: remove the design from your Locker Room
Buy Design: add your design to the shopping cart and purchase it